Remember, Remember, The 5th of November
Remember, Remember, The 5th of November Read More »
If you are confused about the definition of a citizen you aren’t alone! It depends on the context. After discussing “citizen” we move on to look at Civil Law (where we find statutory citizens) Watch the recording on our Rumble Channel here (and be sure to “like”, subscribe and share) Link to the video
What is a Citizen? What is Civil Law – 1776 Conversation 8-18-24 Read More »
Read Part One first here In part two we compare our current general jural assembly organization with the first colonial era general assemblies. Remember, part of our authenticity stems from our historical roots and remaining true to the formula that freed us from British rule. Conflict in our assemblies sometimes arises from confusion over adherence
Governing Conflict Pt 2 – Colonial Era General Assemblies Read More »
The Round Table was started around the turn of the century by Freemason and Rothschild agent, Lord Alfred Milner, who was entrusted the mission by Cecil Rhodes. When Rhodes died in 1902 he was one of richest men in the world (partially from S. African diamond mines). In his will he devoted his entire fortune
The Round Table & One World Order Read More »
How do we govern ourselves? If we look back to our founding fathers and how they did it, how they set up a system of self-governance for the states, we find the end result; the Organic Laws (Articles of Confederation, Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, the Northwest Ordinance). But what was the process our founders
Governing Conflict – Part 1 Read More »
A lack of knowledge leads to what we have today, probably the most corrupt government in history. Education is key. If people can’t understand why we’re in the mess we’re in, if they can’t find the root cause for it, they can’t fix it. Many people think they have found the “magic bean” to cure
What is a General Jural Assembly? Read More »
A new movie is coming out called Splintering Babylon. It exposes much of the actual history of the United States, especially “who is in charge”. On the one hand, the Black Nobility, 12 families… on the other, our military. It also looks into the future with 3 possible paths forward. Visit our Rumble channel, People
Military Rule – Splintering Babylon Read More »
Howard Smoot (FBI agent, 1960’s) :“The ideal of a democracy is universal equality. The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty. A democracy always degenerates into dictatorship which promises government guaranteed equality and security but delivers nothing but poverty and serfdom to the people it robs and rules. America was founded as a constitutional
The Difference Between a Democracy and a Republic – 1776 Conversation Call Read More »