Assembly Supporting Videos

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General Jural Assemblies

Education Is The Key – Questions & Answers To Taking Your Country Back And Returning The Power To “We The People” By Using Jural Assemblies | Bill Hermanson

How to Assemble

How To Assemble, Take Back Your Country And Return The Power To “We The People”

Destry Payne.

Jural Assemblies

God’s Remedy | Brock Maddox and Wisconsin Annie

Jural Assemblies

We The People Are Fighting Back–The Power Of Assembling |

Brock Maddox

Jural Assemblies for Dummies

Answers To The 30 Most Commonly-Asked Questions To Taking Your Country Back And Returning The Power To “We The People” By Using Jural Assemblies (Episode 1 of 3) | Josh Lehman

Jural Assemblies for Dummies

Answers To The 30 Most Commonly-Asked Questions To Taking Your Country Back And Returning The Power To “We The People” By Using Jural Assemblies (Episode 2 of 3) | Josh Lehman

Jural Assemblies for Dummies

Answers To The 30 Most Commonly-Asked Questions To Taking Your Country Back And Returning The Power To “We The People” By Using Jural Assemblies (Episode 3 of 3) | Josh Lehman

Part one: Fully informed jury training
Part two: fully informed jury training
Part three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part nine
Part ten
Part eleven
Part twelve
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