ANS National Assembly Publishing Notice
This is a De Jure Grand Jury Findings of Facts that the grievances brought before this Grand Jury on this day December 3, 2022, in a Presentment of Declaration by People assembled in Arkansas State, and find these grievances true and correct. Therefore, the Grand Jury finds that the People in Arkansas shall assemble to re-assemble a De Jure Constitutional Republic.
Operations and Functions of the De Jure Grand Jury of the sovereign people of Arkansas, a Free and Independent Nation=State
The grand jury is the oldest, most respected and powerful civil institution of the united States of America, and whereas the concept of a grand jury dates all the way back to the Magna Carta in 1215, and was included in the constitutions of the free republics of Arkansas and the united States of America republic, cir. 1787 as a means for the people to rein-in elected government acting outside the limits of delegated power, and when a government appears to be committing criminal and un-Constitutional acts, it can hardly be relied upon to bring charges and indictments against itself. It is therefore the duty and obligation of We THE People to utilize this first form of correcting the abuse and oppression of government that has turn corrupt and greedy. To correct the conflict of interest of lawyers being the majority seated in all branches of government and there by writing immunities for their criminal acts.
Therefore, We THE People inhabiting the land of the Arkansas, a Free and Independent Nation=State, free men and women convened under God, having been granted by the Creator dominion over all the earth, to protect and restore the blessings of liberty for ourselves and all the posterity, do hereby invoke our sacred right to peacefully assemble, as memorialized in The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, cir. 1776, The Articles of Confederation, cir. 1781, the Constitution of Arkansas, cir. 1836, the Covenant of Arkansas Nation=State, cir. 2023, do hereby establish this De Jure Grand Jury of the sovereign people of Arkansas, a Free and Independent Nation=State.
This De Jure Grand Jury, existing by right according to common law and lawfully assembled on the free dry land of Arkansas, a Free and Independent Nation=State, is not a part of the de facto, incorporated judicial system. It functions as an entirely separate and independent body according to rights and powers granted by the Creator and vested in We THE People by the Constitution for the united States of America, cir. 1787 as amended in 1791
Formation, operations and functions of the State General Jural Assembly by-laws of the sovereign members of Arkansas,
a Free and Independent Nation=State
Whereas, the assembly of We THE People being one of the principles most respected and powerful civil rights of the American People, and
Whereas, the concept of an assembly dates back to the early colonies and was included in the constitutions of the free republics of the united States of America, cir. 1787, as a means for the people to rein-in an elected government acting outside the limits of delegated power, and
Whereas, when a government appears to be committing criminal and un-Constitutional acts, it can hardly be relied upon to bring charges and indictments against itself.
Therefore, We THE People inhabiting the land of Arkansas, a Free and Independent Nation=State, free men and women convened under God, having been granted by the Creator dominion over all the earth, to protect and restore the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity, do hereby invoke our sacred right to peacefully assemble, as memorialized in The unanimous Declaration of Independence of the thirteen united States of America, cir. 1776, The Articles of Confederation, cir. 1781, and the Constitution of Arkansas, cir. 1836, the Covenant of Arkansas Nation=State, cir. 2023 and do hereby establish this Arkansas Nation=State General Jural Assembly of the sovereign people of Arkansas, a Free and Independent Nation=State.
This Arkansas Nation=State General Jural Assembly, being formed and existing by right according to common law and lawfully assembled on the free dry land of the Arkansas, a Free and Independent Nation=State, is not a part of the de facto incorporated bodies such as Political Action Committees (PACs) and any and all political parties. It functions as an entirely separate and independent body, void of affiliation with any and all partisan connections according to rights and powers granted by the Creator and vested in the people by the Bill of Rights that secure these rights to address Constitutional usurpations for the united States of America, cir. 1787 as amended in 1791.
The Power of a Jural Assembly
We the People are the First Level of Government in a Republic. As one of We The People you can see how you, in a Jural Assembly, have Power and Authority “over” your elected free state officials of “state government” through your State/Settlement Constitution/Covenant.
- Jural Assemblies are the organizational units of land and soil jurisdiction courts.
- Jural Societies are the organizational units of sea and maritime jurisdiction courts.
- Jural Assemblies create States and Counties.
- Jural Societies create States of States and Counties Of _.
- both are necessary in order to properly conduct business on both land and sea.
What’s Possible
- We can turn the political and judicial clock back to 1789
- Through our Grand Juries we can indict criminals including judges and politicians
- We can reinstate real duties of the Sheriff
- We can reinstate the ‘Elected Committeemen”
- We can reopen our armories and reinstate our militia
- We can stop open political corruption and bind them by the chains of Constitution
- We can stop open judicial corruption and bind them by the chains of the Constitution
- We can save America
State/Settlement Covenant
Your State/Settlement Covenant is the road map of authority for your elected free state “Officials” which includes the “process” by which you have the power and the authority to “hire and fire” these “servants.”
In your State/Settlement Covenant you need to make provision for you, the We The People, to have the power and authority of removal at any time during an elected official’s “term of office” to “take him out of office,” via proper notice and another election which will keep the wheels of government from stalling on its track.
You must have a process spelled out and pre-agreed-to in your State/Settlement Covenant. Remember, We The People will have “delegated” some of our “autonomous power and authority” to “servant representatives” — state and national Congressional people who form the two Congressional bodies of people called the Senate and the House of Representatives in their free states. We delegate some of our authority to the above mentioned servants via the State Settlement Constitution and the Constitution for the United states of America. (UsA) Why do we do this? We do this because there are certain matters that one man or woman cannot deal with on a personal-vote issue. So there are “delegated” powers to other men and women who we permit to make decisions for us by “representing” us. Representative government stems from God’s Old Testament instruction to have one man represent a body of 10 men, then from those 10 men, one representative is chosen to represent 100 men, then from those 100 men, one representative is chosen to represent 1000 men, and on and on.
States are geographically defined areas that are under the control of Public Laws established by the people who live within their borders. States are unincorporated land and soil jurisdiction entities run as unincorporated businesses. States have very simple names: Ohio, Rhode Island, Maine, Florida, Wisconsin, and so on.
All these organizational forms are created by living people, people acting in two profoundly different capacities — as people, and as persons, which are incorporated entities.
- People acting as people make up Jural Assemblies.
- People acting as “persons” make up Jural Societies.
- People acting in their unincorporated capacity as people who are members of a Jural Assembly
- decide the physical boundaries of their States, adopt the Public Laws within their States, and
- enforce the Public Law via their Jural Assemblies, their land and soil jurisdiction courts, and the
- officers of those courts.
- Jural Assemblies organize the land and soil jurisdiction courts owed to the people of each State.
- Jural Assembly organizers are responsible for the making sure that candidate members are eligible to serve.