Legal System

What is a Citizen? What is Civil Law – 1776 Conversation 8-18-24

If you are confused about the definition of a citizen you aren’t alone! It depends on the context. After discussing “citizen” we move on to look at Civil Law (where we find statutory citizens) Watch the recording on our Rumble Channel here (and be sure to “like”, subscribe and share) Link to the video

What is a Citizen? What is Civil Law – 1776 Conversation 8-18-24 Read More »

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors RUN After being Served

Discover the power of We the People when we take a stand for our de jure Republic. Learn how to effectively deal with unelected “officials” and their illegal mandates and actions. Note, the title of this video is a little misleading. The Board quickly adjourned and started to leave as Miki Klann rose to speak.

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors RUN After being Served Read More »

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